
- Database Capacity -

TEST3X creates a database capacity graph:

Default is MAESTRO's MOZART Database with creator's password. The files used:
  1. TEST3X changes the template query command file plotquery.tpl to the actual database name and password. The final commandfile is plotquery.cmd.
  2. Additionally it changes the template ploticus script TEST3T to TEST3 so that it contains the actual database name in the legend.
  3. Now plotquery.cmd is executed. This command file creates temporaer file PLOTQTMP as input file for QUERY first.
  4. Now it invokes QUERY, performs the FO SET and writes this to PLOTQRES.
  5. This file is now reduced to the lines Ploticus needs as data input into PLOTQFIN.
  6. PLOTQTMP and PLOTQRES are purged.
  7. Now TEST3X takes over again and purge the plotquery.cmd and plotquery.tmp.
  8. Now Ploticus is invoked using PLOTX command file.
  9. It reads the data from PLOTQFIN, calculates the Percentage of Data Set Fullness, and plots the bars.
  10. Finally the rest of intermediate files are purged (PLOTQFIN and TEST3) by TEST3X.
It sounds complicate but works fine.

Example: TEST3X STRAUS.MAESTRO.CCC,PASSWORD,gif,/SAMBA/PUB/dba/statistics will create TEST3.gif file for the STRAUS database of MAESTRO and put it into a specific web section.

last changed: 07.01.2003
© 2003 Andreas Schmidt